505 research outputs found

    Travelling People, Travelling Plants: An Exploration into Food-Plant Practice among Bengali Women across Transnational and Generational Landscapes

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    The flow of people between urban Britain and rural Bangladesh is longstanding and continuous. In addition to people; food, plants and seeds are transported between the countries. The exchanges are both practical and highly symbolic processes and while transnational in nature have a significant impact at a local level in both places. The PhD thesis explores the nature of food and plant exchange between Sylhet (Northeastern Bangladesh) and the UK among women at a household level, how these transnational exchanges impact on the food-scape and medicinal plant knowledge in each place and how differences are played out across generations. The PhD adopted a mixed methods approach (participant observation, interviews, focus groups and questionnaires) with research conducted in Cardiff, London and Sylhet among two generations of Bengali women. Research into ethnobotanical practices of migrant communities in industrialised countries has found a rich and distinct body of knowledge. However, among the substantial and well-established UK Bengali population there is a lack of research on ethnobotanical medicinal knowledge. Furthermore how they are influenced by on-going links with Bangladesh is unknown. The therapeutic use of plants among Bengalis exposes a significant overlap between food and medicine, this is an area largely ignored in public health, medical and food studies of Bengalis in the UK. This thesis builds on previous research and begins to address some of the gaps in literature. The research it presents indicates that the Bengali community in the UK remains connected to their place of origin (Sylhet), not least through the exchange of food and plants, however what these food and plants mean vary according to place and generation. If academics and professionals are to understand therapeutic food-plant use among diaspora it is essential to look at the existing links with 'home' countries and changes in knowledge and practice across generations and ages. The implications of this research are important for ethnobotany, migrant and international health studies, public health and food studies

    Food or medicine? The food-medicine interface in households in Sylhet.

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    Bangladesh has a rich traditional plant-medicine use, drawing on Ayurveda and Unami medicine. How these practices translate into peopleŚłs homes and lives vary. Furthermore, the overlap between food and medicine is blurred and context-specific. This paper explores the food-medicine interface as experienced by Bengali women in their homes, in the context of transnational and generational changes

    Understanding the Lived Experience of Children With Type 1 Diabetes in Kenya: Daily Routines and Adaptation Over Time

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    Focusing only on biomedical targets neglects the important role that psychosocial factors play in effective diabetes self-management. This study aims to understand the lived experiences of children with Type 1 Diabetes (T1DM) in Kenya. Children (n = 15) participated in focus group discussions and photo diary data collection. Focus group discussions and semi-structured interviews were also conducted with caregivers (n = 14). We describe an adaptation to diabetes over time, identifying four overarching themes: knowledge and awareness, economic exclusion, the importance of social support, and striving for normality. Photo diaries are then categorized to explore daily realities of diabetes management. Children with T1DM in Kenya face varied barriers to care but can lead a “normal” and fulfilling life, provided adequate support is in place. To improve the lives of children with diabetes in this context and others like it, stakeholders must take note of children’s experiences and recognize their multidimensional needs

    Quantitative study of hydration of C3S and C2S by thermal analysis. Evolution and composition of C-S-H gels formed

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    This research is part of a European project (namely, CODICE project), main objective of which is modelling, at a multi-scale, the evolution of the mechanical performance of non-degraded and degraded cementitious matrices. For that, a series of experiments were planned with pure synthetic tri-calcium silicate (C3S) and bi-calcium silicate (C2S) (main components of the Portland cement clinker) to obtain different calcium–silicate–hydrate (C–S–H) gel structures during their hydration. The characterization of those C–S–H gels and matrices will provide experimental parameters for the validation of the multi-scale modelling scheme proposed. In this article, a quantitative method, based on thermal analyses, has been used for the determination of the chemical composition of the C–S–H gel together with the degree of hydration and quantitative evolution of all the components of the pastes. Besides, the microstructure and type of silicate tetrahedron and mean chain length (MCL) were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and 29Si magic-angle-spinning (MAS) NMR, respectively. The main results showed that the chemical compositions for the C–S–H gels have a CaO/SiO2 M ratio almost constant of 1.7 for both C3S and C2S compounds. Small differences were found in the gel water content: the H2O/SiO2 M ratio ranged from 2.9 ± 0.2 to 2.6 ± 0.2 for the C3S (decrease) and from 2.4 ± 0.2 to 3.2 ± 0.2 for the C2S (increase). The MCL values of the C–S–H gels, determined from 29Si MAS NMR, were 3.5 and 4 silicate tetrahedron, for the hydrated C3S and C2S, respectively, remaining almost constant at all hydration periods

    Food, home and health: the meanings of food amongst Bengali Women in London

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    Background This paper explores the nature of food and plants and their meanings in a British Bengali urban context. It focuses on the nature of plants and food in terms of their role in home making, transnational connections, generational change and concepts of health. Methods An ethnographic approach to the research was taken, specific methods included participant observation, focus group discussions and semi-structured interviews. Thirty women of Bengali origin were mostly composed of “mother” and “daughter” pairs. The mothers were over 45 years old and had migrated from Bangladesh as adults and their grown-up daughters grew up in the UK. Results Food and plants play an important role in the construction of home “here” (London) while continuing to connect people to home “there” (Sylhet). This role, however, changes and is re-defined across generations. Looking at perceptions of “healthy” and “unhealthy” food, particularly in the context of Bengali food, multiple views of what constitutes “healthy” food exist. However, there appeared to be little two-way dialogue about this concept between the research participants and health professionals. This seems to be based on “cultural” and power differences that need to be addressed for a meaningful dialogue to occur. Conclusion In summary, this paper argues that while food is critical to the familial spaces of home (both locally and globally), it is defined by a complex interplay of actors and wider meanings as illustrated by concepts of health and what constitutes Bengali food. Therefore, we call for greater dialogue between health professionals and those they interact with, to allow for an enhanced appreciation of the dynamic nature of food and plants and the diverse perceptions of the role that they play in promoting health

    NLLâ€Č{'} resummation of jet mass

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    Starting from a factorization theorem in effective field theory, we present resummed results for two non-global observables: the invariant-mass distribution of jets and the energy distribution outside jets. Our results include the full next-to-leading-order corrections to the hard, jet and soft functions and are implemented in a parton-shower framework which generates the renormalization-group running in the effective theory. The inclusion of these matching corrections leads to an improved description of the data and reduced theoretical uncertainties. They will have to be combined with two-loop running in the future, but our results are an important first step towards the higher-logarithmic resummation of non-global observables.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figures. v2: journal versio

    Participatory learning and action to address type 2 diabetes in rural Bangladesh: a qualitative process evaluation

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    BACKGROUND: Diabetes is 7th largest cause of death worldwide, and prevalence is increasing rapidly in low-and middle-income countries. There is an urgent need to develop and test interventions to prevent and control diabetes and develop the theory about how such interventions can be effective. We conducted a participatory learning and action (PLA) intervention with community groups in rural Bangladesh which was evaluated through a cluster randomised controlled trial. There was a large reduction in the combined prevalence of type 2 diabetes and intermediate hyperglycaemia in the PLA group compared with the control group. We present findings from qualitative process evaluation research to explore how this intervention was effective. // METHODS: We conducted group interviews and focus group discussions using photovoice with purposively sampled group attenders and non-attenders, and intervention implementers. Data were collected before the trial analysis. We used inductive content analysis to generate theory from the data. // RESULTS: The intervention increased the health literacy of individuals and communities - developing their knowledge, capacity and self-confidence to enact healthy behaviours. Community, household and individual capacity increased through social support and social networks, which then created an enabling community context, further strengthening agency and enabling community action. This increased opportunities for healthy behaviour. Community actions addressed lack of awareness about diabetes, gendered barriers to physical activity and lack of access to blood glucose testing. The interaction between the individual, household, and community contexts amplified change, and yet there was limited engagement with macro level, or ‘state’, barriers to healthy behaviour. // CONCLUSIONS: The participatory approach enabled groups to analyse how context affected their ability to have healthy behaviours and participants engaged with issues as a community in the ways that they felt comfortable. We suggest measuring health literacy and social networks in future interventions and recommend specific capacity strengthening to develop public accountability mechanisms and health systems strengthening to complement community-based interventions

    A pneumococcal MerR-like regulator and S-nitrosoglutathione reductase are required for systemic virulence

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    Copyright © 2007 by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved.A transcriptional regulator, NmlR(sp), has been identified in Streptococcus pneumoniae that is required for defense against nitric oxide (NO) stress. The nmlR(sp) gene is cotranscribed with adhC, which encodes an alcohol dehydrogenase that is able to reduce S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) with NADH as reductant. nmlR(sp) and adhC mutants exhibited a reduced level of NADH-GSNO oxidoreductase activity and were more susceptible to killing by NO than were wild-type cells. Comparison of the virulence of wild-type and mutant strains by use of a mouse model system showed that NmlR(sp) and AdhC do not play a key role in the adherence of pneumococci to the nasopharynx in vivo. An intraperitoneal challenge experiment revealed that both NmlR(sp) and AdhC were required for survival in blood. These data identify novel components of a NO defense system in pneumococci that are required for systemic infection.Uwe H. Stroeher, Robert S. Kidd, Sian L. Stafford, Michael P. Jennings, James C. Paton and Alastair G. McEwa

    A model for reactive porous transport during re-wetting of hardened concrete

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    A mathematical model is developed that captures the transport of liquid water in hardened concrete, as well as the chemical reactions that occur between the imbibed water and the residual calcium silicate compounds residing in the porous concrete matrix. The main hypothesis in this model is that the reaction product -- calcium silicate hydrate gel -- clogs the pores within the concrete thereby hindering water transport. Numerical simulations are employed to determine the sensitivity of the model solution to changes in various physical parameters, and compare to experimental results available in the literature.Comment: 30 page
